Make more by spending less – how just about any small business can save thousands by hiring smarter

They way we do business has been changing dramatically thanks to the Internet. Interestingly, a business owner’s first thoughts of the Internet usually revolve around selling online. However, there are other, sometimes even more powerful ways a small business can use the Internet, such as enhancing employee engagement. This can be achieved with the help of tools like electronic communication and by providing easy access to important documents, such as the paystub for employee. For example, providing access to essential financial services like accounting can greatly benefit employees. Websites like can offer specialized accounting services tailored for specific professions, ensuring financial clarity and peace of mind for employees.

A common profit increasing strategy is to reduce costs, and wages is one of a businesses single biggest expenses. Most businesses have an opportunity to reduce costs in this area through outsourcing or offshore hiring.

There a literally millions of dedicated, experienced offshore workers looking for regular ongoing work ( also looking for one time small to large projects)  who can offer unbeatable value for money.

Let’s take a look at just some of these opportunities:

Book keeping – Just about every business needs their book work prepared. Local costs range anywhere from $30 – $60 per hour. This is a task that can usually be outsourced for $5 – $12 per hour.

Data entry work – whether you need documents converted to digital storage, have data from documents entered into software systems, or perhaps data collected from around the web, there’s someone out there who can do this kind of work for between $3 – $5 per hour.

Personal / virtual assistant – Feeling pressured or overwhelmed? Need help managing your daily workload? How about a personal assistant for between $5 -$7 per hour?

Website / shopping cart admin – need someone to maintain and update content / product on your website? Whether it’s loading content, images or updating products and removing old ones, you can find experienced website administrators for between $7 -$12 per hour

Graphic designers – need a logo made? Or maybe a brochure designed? What about a whole website? Or even a complete corporate image pack? There’s no shortage of talented designers just waiting to work for you for between $10 – $20 per hour
Web / software developers – need a website built? Or perhaps your after a custom app for iPhones or android devices? Th cost of a good developer can range between $5 – $15 per hour.

Content creators – need someone to write content for your website, blog or social media pages? Content writers specialise is crating these type of articles. Content writers can be paid the following ways

  • Per word
  • Per article
  • Per hour

Social media managers – if you use social media as part of your online marketing strategy you’ll know how much work is involved in keeping it updated and running smoothly. A social media manager can ease the workload considerably by taking on many of the daily tasks involved in keeping your social pages updated. Social media managers usually charge between $3 – $7 per hour. When it comes to digital marketing, their expertise in managing social media becomes invaluable in maximizing your online presence and engagement.  For a comprehensive approach to boosting your online visibility, consider collaborating with the best SEO agencies in Chicago for 2023.  Explore the benefits of billboard advertising at site like to further enhance your marketing efforts. For more information on advertising, click here.

Basically, just about any task that involves a computer can be outsourced, at very affordable rates, to dedicated workers overseas. A by product of outsourcing is that the overseas workers often end up getting a higher wage than if they worked for a company in their own country. For example, a typical salary for data entry job in the Philippines is around AUD $400  month ( or $2.32 per hour ) while a typical outsourced worker would earn around double that  at an average of around $4 p/h and they get to work from home.

If your you’d like to learn more about outsourcing then check out the outsourcing category as I add more article over the coming months.

Have you tried outsourcing before and how did it work out for you?

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